The fastest way to register an arms item or apply for a licence is using our online portal, MyFirearms.

What is MyFirearms?

MyFirearms is our online portal that lets you provide information for the Firearms Registry and apply for and manage your firearms licensing.

You can use MyFirearms to:

  • register an arms item
  • complete a No Arms Item Declaration
  • apply or reapply for a firearms licence
  • apply or reapply for a dealer’s licence
  • notify us of a change of address
  • notify us of a change of health practitioner.

If you’re one of the following, you can apply for your firearms licence and endorsements at the same time: 

  • bona fide collector 
  • dealer employee 
  • pest controller 
  • pistol target shooting club member. 

If you already have a firearms licence you can apply for an endorsements online at any time. 

If you are applying for a dealer’s licence, you can also apply for endorsements using MyFirearms. 

How to use MyFirearms

To use MyFirearms, you must have a mobile phone, an internet connection, and a RealMe login.

If you do not have a RealMe login already, you’ll be prompted to create one before you start.

Visit MyFirearms

Note: Your session will end if you’ve been logged in to MyFirearms for more than 2 hours, and you’ll need to log in again. Save as you go to make sure you do not lose the information you have entered. To protect your data, you’ll be logged out automatically if there has been no activity for 15 minutes.

Once saved, you must submit your application within 30 days or it will be removed from your account.

MyFirearms requires cookies to be accepted. Not having cookies enabled or actively blocking cookies may result in MyFirearms not functioning correctly. Some browsers will require manual acceptance of cookies.

How to register arms items using MyFirearms

How to login to MyFirearms and use RealMe

How to save and resume draft submissions on MyFirearms

What is RealMe?

RealMe is a New Zealand government service for proving your identity online.

To use MyFirearms:

  • You only need a RealMe login.
  • You do not need a RealMe verified identity.

Get help with RealMe

Your internet connection

When using MyFirearms, we recommend you are on:

  • a broadband connection (ADSL, VDSL, or fibre)
  • cellular data (3G or better)
  • fixed wireless internet access (Find your local WISP)
  • satellite connections (Farmside, Starlink).

You may experience slow load times or delays depending on your location and signal quality, particularly in rural areas.

If you're outside New Zealand

MyFirearms cannot be accessed outside of New Zealand for security reasons. 

If you need help with the Firearms Registry or licensing, call us on +64 4 499 2870 between 8.30am and 5pm (NZST), Monday to Friday.

Is it safe to pay online?

Payments can be made using a credit or debit card (Visa or Mastercard). You will be charged a card surcharge of 1.9%.

We process payments using our secure payment service Spreedly and Paystation. We do not keep a record of your credit card details. These details are only held within the banking system for proof of payment purposes.

Application fees are calculated at the time of submission. Payments are all converted to New Zealand Dollars (NZD). We do not accept any risk or liability concerning foreign exchange rates or how these influence the amount charged to your card. If you have questions about the final amount charged, please contact your bank or financial provider.

It is your responsibility to make sure:

  • all payment details are correct
  • you are legally entitled to make the payment
  • you have sufficient funds in your account.

Your MyFirearms profile

The first time you log in to MyFirearms after 24 June 2023, you must fill in the Complete Your Profile form.

You need to provide your name, date of birth and the details of your New Zealand firearms licence, if you have one.

A MyFirearms profile is unique to each person. It will be linked to your firearms licence, so you do not need to provide these details again when using MyFirearms.

For security reasons, you can only access some information online through a validated MyFirearms account – for example, which arms items you have registered.

How to validate your MyFirearms account


Step 1: Log in

Visit MyFirearms and log in with RealMe. You’ll need your mobile phone to carry out the security check.

Visit MyFirearms

Step 2: Go to My Activity

Select the ‘My Activity’ link at the top of that page. This will take you to your My Submission dashboard.

Step 3: Go to MyFirearms Submitted Forms

Select the heading ‘MyFirearms Submitted Forms’. This will show you all the forms you have submitted online.

Step 4: Find your Complete Your Profile form

Under the heading ‘My submitted other forms’ you'll find a link to your Complete Your Profile form. The link will start with the letters ‘CYP’. Select the link.

Step 5: Save and print the PDF

You’ll find a PDF file at the top of the Complete Your Profile 'Submission' page. The file name will be the date you submitted the form. Save it to your device, then print a copy out.

Step 6: Bring the form to a Police station

Bring the printed form in person to a Police station, together with your firearms licence card. Once your identity has been confirmed, your MyFirearms account will be validated. This may take a few days.

Related links

Last updated
13 October 2023


Need help?
phone Phone 0800 844 431 (04 499 2870)
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday