The latest news articles and announcements from Te Tari Pūreke.
January 2025
- Stay as vigilant on the web as you are when out hunting
- Former firearms licence holder held accountable for diverting guns
- No privacy breaches from the Firearms Registry
- Changes in store for firearms safety training and education
- Firearms Registry closing net around suspected firearms diverters
- Clarification: IPCA confirm South Island officer had no connection with the Firearms Registry
- Lots of reasons why the gun safe is the safest place to store firearms
- Dealer Transactions form faster and easier to use
- Holding firearms offenders to account
- Proposed changes for shooting clubs and ranges
- Increasing demand for firearms licensing and renewals
- First anniversary for New Zealand’s Firearms Registry
- Big shift in gun owners’ trust in firearms regulator
- Review of the Firearms Registry
- Keep safety front of mind this duck hunting season
- Survey in trust and confidence in the firearms system
- Making applications and registrations easier
- Police take first prosecution for unregistered firearm
- Auckland firearms licence holder charged with unlawfully selling firearms and ammunition
- 100,000th firearm entered into the new Firearms Registry
- Firearms Safety Code now in reo Māori (Nov 2023)
- 10,000th person signs up to the Firearms Registry (Sep 2023)
- Police investigating suspicious firearms list (Sep 2023)
- Te Tari Pūreke to improve processes around email privacy (Aug 2023)
- Low-risk firearms excluded from the Firearms Registry (Jul 2023)
- Firearms Safety Authority privacy breach (Jul 2023)
- Firearms Registry to stop criminals and gangs getting guns (Jun 2023)
- Report back to Cabinet on progress in processing firearms licensing applications (Jun 2023)
- Huge improvements to firearms licence processing (Jun 2023)
- Regulations pave the way for first comprehensive digital Firearms Registry (May 2023)
- Duck hunters are being urged to keep safety in their sights this gamebird hunting season (May 2023)
- Proposed changes to MyFirearms Terms of Use (May 2023)
- Firearms licence extensions for those hit hardest by cyclones (Apr 2023)
- Firearms fees cost recovery consultation extension recognises impact of cyclone (Feb 2023)
- New Arms Regulations for clubs and ranges are now in force (Dec 2022)
- Consultation opens for ten weeks on proposed licensing fees (Dec 2022)
- Law change to enable firearm licence holders applying for a new licence to continue to lawfully possess arms (Nov 2022)
- Firearms licensing progress update (Nov 2022)
- Firearms Baseline Survey results 2022 (Jul 2022)
- Police responds to AOG recommendations (Jun 2022)
- Fake firearms licence and how to check them (May 2022)
- Dealer guidance on sale and storage of ammunition under new regulations (Apr 2022)
- Ensure the safety of you and others this Roar (Mar 2022)
- Consultation opens for 6 weeks on proposals for new shooting clubs and ranges regulations (Mar 2022)
- New Arms Amendment Regulations 2021 comes into force (Feb 2022)
- Update to firearms laws (Dec 2020)
- Reminder – last chance to apply for an endorsement and permit to retain a Kea gun (Dec 2020)
- Changes to Firearms application processes (Nov 2020)
- Licencing and extension reminder (Oct 2020)
- Firearms regulatory services during COVID-19 alert levels (Aug 2020)
- Communication from Police on change of address (Jul 2020)
- Police to implement updated Arms Act (Jun 2020)
- Firearms and dealer licence extensions (May 2020)
- Bill introduced to Parliament includes proposed changes to the Arms Act (May 2020)
- Changes to firearms administration services (Apr 2020)
- Less than 1 month to go until the prohibited firearms amnesty and buy-back ends (Nov 2019)
- New online form for visitor firearms licence (May 2019)
- Changes to firearms laws (Apr 2019)
- Handing in firearms to Police (Mar 2019)
- Official Information Act responses for public reading (Mar 2019)
- Internal consultation process clarified (Feb 2019)
- We’re making some changes to the Visitor Firearms Licence process (Feb 2019)
- First two firearms e-learning modules go live (Jan 2019)
- Changes to the firearms safety programme (Jan 2019)
- The Arms (Electronic Transactions) Amendment Regulations 2018 have been gazetted (Dec 2018)
- Support to prevent poaching (Nov 2018)
- Engagement sessions with firearms community (Nov 2018)
- Confirmed venues for community sessions (Oct 2018)
- Firearms Project update - see what we’ve been up to, and give your feedback (Sep 2018)
- NZ Post locations for payment of firearms licence application fee (Aug 2018)
- First experiences with the new firearms safety programme (Aug 2018)
- Firearms project community meetings update (Jul 2018)
- Firearms Project Community Discussion Sessions (Jun 2018)
- Modernised Arms Code (Jun 2018)
- Update from the road on Community Discussion Sessions (Jun 2018)
- Briefing on the Firearms Act (Jun 2018)
- Clarification of no change in process for overseas’ visitors applying for a firearms licence (May 2018)
- Police gearing up for new firearms safety training for first time licence applicants (May 2018)
- Consultation - Secure storage requirements for firearm licence holders: Police policy and practice (Apr 2018)
- New firearms safety training programme for first-time firearms licence applicants (Apr 2018)
- A category firearms security requirements (Feb 2018)
- Firearms permit services update (Jan 2018)
- Change to requirements for airguns purchases (Jan 2018)
- Update on Police / TradeMe interface (Jan 2018)
Last updated
22 August 2024
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