Find out about your obligations if you have an endorsement to use pistols.

Where you can shoot

You may only use the pistols referenced on this endorsement for pistol target shooting as a member of a pistol target shooting club. That club must  hold a certificate of approval and shooting must take place on a certified pistol range.  

A copy of the club’s certificate should be posted at the range and a copy of the range standing orders should be available to view before shooting.


You must participate in scheduled shooting activities organised by your pistol shooting club, on the pistol ranges used by that club, on at least 12 days in a 12-month period between 1 July to 30 June. 

If you are unable to meet the participation requirement, you must surrender your endorsement and dispose of your pistols. You do not need to surrender your firearms licence.

If your club membership status changes

You and the club must both notify us within 28 days if: 

  • you become a member of another pistol shooting club 
  • your membership application to your club or any other pistol shooting club is declined 
  • you cease to be a member of any pistol shooting club. 

To notify us, phone 0800 844 431 between 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday or email

Secure storage

You must show that you are meeting the secure storage requirements of Regulation 28 of the Arms Regulations. 

Arms Regulations 1992, regulation 28, Security precautions in relation to pistols, prohibited firearms, prohibited magazines, and restricted weapons | New Zealand Legislation website 

For guidance on how to comply, download the Secure Firearms Storage and Transportation guide. Section 4 of the guide is about security for endorsed firearms.


If you have an endorsement, under Arms Act 1983, s31A Conditions of endorsements, you must allow a member of New Zealand Police (usually someone from Te Tari Pūreke) to: 

  • enter the premises where the pistols are stored for an inspection at a reasonable time 
  • inspect the pistols and where they are kept on the premises. 

The person making the inspection must: 

  • if not in Police uniform, show identification that confirms they are a member of New Zealand Police / Te Tari Pūreke 
  • say they are making the inspection under section 31A of the Arms Act 1983 
  • if not in Police uniform, produce evidence that they are a member of the Police if requested at any subsequent time.

Where you can take pistols

Your endorsement conditions will provide that you can only carry the endorsed pistols from your home address to an: 

  • approved pistol shooting club or certified pistol range 
  • police station 
  • licensed dealer or gunsmith for repair, maintenance, or sale.

Other conditions

Police may impose any other conditions regarding the use and custody of any endorsed item.

Last updated
8 August 2024


Need help?
phone Phone 0800 844 431 (04 499 2870)
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday