This page gives an overview of legislation changes enacted to enhance public safety and improve the arms regulatory system in 2022.

1 February 2022

On 1 February 2022, the Arms Amendment Regulations 2021 came into force, amending the Arms Regulations 1992. 

Changes for firearms licence holders included (but not limited to): 

  • Regulations covering ammunition sales (including notification, security, and record-keeping requirements)

  • Regulations covering who may possess prohibited ammunition 

  • Security requirements for ammunition and mobile homes 

  • Storage requirements during transportation, including on public transport.   

  • Expansion of particulars required for application for firearms licences. 

  • Further fit and proper criteria for firearm and airgun 

Changes for licensed dealers included:   

  • Additional requirements for applications for dealer’s licences 

  • Conditions relating to security requirements 

  • Record-keeping provisions 

  • New conditions, for example those relating to notifications, inspections, transport, testing of certain items and other specific conditions prescribed by the Commissioner. . 

  • Addition of the ability to amend a dealer’s licences to change dealer activity, arms items to which dealer activity may be carried out, and the place of business.  

Arms Regulations 1992 | New Zealand Legislation website 

Arms Amendment Regulations 2021 | New Zealand Legislation website 

24 June 2022

On 24 June 2022, 2 years after receiving Royal Assent, more sections of the Arms Legislation Act 2020 came into force, amending the Arms Act 1983. 

These amendments included the introduction of  a new Part 6 of the Arms Act 1983, detailing certifications and approvals for shooting clubs and shooting ranges. 

Arms Act 1983 | New Zealand Legislation website 

Arms Act 1983, Part 6 Shooting clubs and ranges | New Zealand Legislation website 

Arms Legislation Act 2020 | New Zealand Legislation website 

15 November 2022

On 15 August 2022, the Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Act 2022 received Royal Assent, and came into force on 15 November 2022. 

This Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Act 2022: 

  • introduced firearms prohibition orders (FPOs) and related offending 
  • added ‘Part 7A, Firearms Prohibition Orders’ to the Arms Act 1983 
  • added FPOs to section 22H of the Arms Act 1983, making anyone subject to an FPO disqualified from holding a firearms licence.    

Arms Act 1983, Part 7A Firearms Prohibition Orders | New Zealand Legislation website 

Arms Act 1983, section 22H Persons disqualified from holding a firearms licence | New Zealand Legislation website 

Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Act 2022 | New Zealand Legislation website 

29 November 2022

On 28 November 2022, the Arms (Licence Holders’ Applications for New Licences) Amendment Act 2022 received Royal Assent and came into force on 29 November 2022. 

This Amendment Act introduced section 25A, ‘Application for a new firearms licence made by holder of current licence,’ to the Arms Act 1983. 

Section 25A means a firearms licence remains valid if you apply for a new one before your current licence expires. 

Arms Act 1983, section 25a – Application for new firearms licence made by holder of current licence | New Zealand Legislation website 

Arms (Licence Holders’ Applications for New Licences) Amendment Act 2022 | New Zealand Legislation website 

15 December 2022

To further support changes to the Arms Act, the Arms Amendment Regulations 2022 were made by Order in Council on 14 November 2022 and came into force on 15 December 2022. 

The Arms Amendment Regulations 2022 amended the Arms Regulations 1992, which included the introduction of a new Part 5 and a new Part 6. The new parts detail the approval, certification and conditions for shooting clubs and shooting ranges. 

Arms Regulations 1992 | New Zealand Legislation website 

Arms Regulations 1992, Part 5 Shooting clubs | New Zealand Legislation website 

Arms Regulations 1992, Part 6 Shooting ranges | New Zealand Legislation website 

Arms Amendment Regulations 2022 | New Zealand Legislation website 

Last updated
1 February 2022


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