Find out about your obligations if you have an endorsement on your firearms licence in your capacity as a dealer employee.

If you stop working for a licensed dealer, or start working for another dealer

If you have an endorsement, you must notify us if you:  

  • stop working for the dealer to which the endorsement relates, or 
  • start working for another dealer. 

To notify us, phone 0800 844 431 between 8:30am and 5:30pm Monday to Friday.


Any person who has an endorsement, must allow a member of New Zealand Police (usually someone from Te Tari Pūreke) to: 

  • enter the premises where the items are stored for an inspection at a reasonable time 
  • inspect the items and where they are kept on the premises. 

The person making the inspection must: 

  • show identification, that confirms they are a member of New Zealand Police (usually someone from Te Tari Pūreke), if requested when they are not in uniform 
  • say they are making the inspection under the Arms Act 1983. 

What you cannot do with an endorsement

If you have an endorsement in your capacity as a dealer employee, you cannot: 

  • handle your employer’s arms items when you are not working 
  • apply for a permit for yourself using this endorsement – you must have a different endorsement to apply for permits for your personal items 
  • apply for a permit to possess or a permit to import on behalf of the business – the applicant named must be a licensed firearms dealer.  

Other conditions

Police may require any other conditions regarding the use and custody of any endorsed item. 


Need help?
phone Phone 0800 844 431 (04 499 2870)
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday