Use this module to learn about your obligations as a pistol target shooting endorsement holder. The workbook will help with the written examination you must complete with your club trainer before applying for your endorsement.

If you intend to possess a pistol and participate in pistol target shooting you must have a complete understanding of your legal obligations, as well as being competent in the safe use and possession of pistols. (Refer Arms Regulations 1992 r28GK or r28GJ as appropriate).

Download the obligations workbook

What's in the workbook

This workbook contains two modules.  

The first covers all the obligations the holder of a pistol target shooting endorsement must abide by. The second covers further obligations that you must meet in less common target pistol possession situations, and some suggestions about preparations for leaving pistol target shooting or sudden incapacitation or death. 

To make sure you understand all the obligations, familiarise yourself with the whole guide.

Your obligations as a pistol target shooting endorsement holder 

Before you get your endorsement 

What you are allowed to do before you are granted a pistol target shooting endorsement. This covers initial trial period, continued training participation and long-term participation. 

Once you have your endorsement 

The critical obligations related to continuing to remain a pistol target shooting endorsement holder. 

Acquiring a pistol 

This section of the workbook covers the key steps in the process to obtain a Permit to Possess a pistol for pistol target shooting. 

Club and range safety 

The regulations that apply to the safe operation of ranges and keeping attendance records. 

Changing address 

Your obligation to keep Te Tari Pūreke – Firearms Safety Authority informed of your contact details, plans related to moving house and the secure storage of your pistols. 

Storage and transport 

Your obligations related to the secure storage at home, when travelling and staying away from home for a competition. 

Producing pistols and allowing security inspections 

The regulation that specifically applies to the obligation of a pistol target shooting endorsement holder to make pistols available for inspections on demand to a member of the Police and inspection of the place where the pistol is stored.

Safe and responsible pistol use and ownership 

Disposing of or supplying a pistol 

The process for disposing of a pistol to another person who has obtained a Permit to Possess that pistol. 

Travelling overseas for a competition 

Your obligations relating to taking a pistol out of New Zealand, including Ministry of Foreign Affairs export requirements, and obligations to obtain a Permit to Import to bring your pistol and ammunition back into New Zealand. 

Courier delivery of a pistol 

Your obligation to report the non-delivery of a pistol brought from another endorsement holder which was to be delivered to a licensed firearms dealer to be picked up, but it didn’t arrive. 

Showing someone your pistol(s) 

Your responsibilities when you wish to show your pistol(s) to another person, whether or not they are a pistol target shooting endorsement holder. 

Keeping your pistol in good working order 

The obligation of all firearms licence holders to maintain all firearms in their possession in good working order. 

Other considerations 

There are three sections of the workbook covering:  

  • Retiring from, or ceasing participation in, pistol target shooting 
  • Your health and wellbeing 
  • Contingency plans in the event of your incapacitation or sudden death.


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