Be extra sure this Roar
The best hunters follow the seven basic rules of firearms safety and insist that others do the same.
This Roar we urge hunters everywhere to identify your target beyond all doubt; have a plan for your hunt; and to handle your firearms with care.

Positively identify your target beyond all doubt
It’s easy to get excited when you think you have sighted a deer but don’t let that lead to poor decision-making. Whether you are using optical or thermal imaging devices, you must follow Firearms Safety Rule 4 and identify your target beyond all doubt before firing. If you have any doubt, then don’t shoot.
Quick Tips:
• Slow down, take a few breaths, and take a closer look at your target.
• Check your whole firing zone, especially to each side and beyond the target.
• Never fire at movement only. Moving bushes or trees might be a person.
Read more on pages 13-18 of the Firearms Safety Code
Video transcript
(Background music: welcome page with a logo of Te Tari Pūreke. There's a border on the top of the screen and the bottom of the screen which is a tohu design. Text says Te Tari Pūreke, Firearms Safety Authority. Seven Rules of Firearms Safety.)
Next slide has the words displayed Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt.
The next screen is a shot of New Zealand bush, with a drone camera zooming across and above the ridge. The scene changes to a close-up of a tree branch and two persons out of focus on the background. The camera focuses in to show us two male hunters walking in the bush towards the camera. The one in front carries a firearm in his hands, pointed down to the ground. The one behind has a small backpack strapped to his chest. Both hunters wear orange safety vests and orange caps.
The camera perspective changes to show us the scene from behind the hunters, who have their backs to the camera. One hunter is carrying a large backpack.
Hunter 1: "This is a nice fresh wallow in here man."
The camera focuses in on the muddy wallow in front of them.
Hunter 1: "I've got heaps of faith something's going to come out of the bush."
The shot changes to show a close up of the two men from the front.
Hunter 1: "I'll get my roar aye?"
Hunter 2: "Yeah, yeah"
Hunter 1 puts a device to his mouth and makes a sound that mimics an animal roar. The camera angle changes to focus on the wallow while the hunter is roaring.
The shot changes back to a close up of the two men from the front. The shot changes back to the wallow from behind the two men.
Hunter 1: "Surely, surely one's gonna come down."
[Roar returned]
The shot changes back to a close up of the two men from the front. Hunter 2 has his firearm in his hands, pointing upwards to the sky.
Hunter 1: "Did you hear that? Did you hear it?"
Hunter 2: "Yeah yeah. That's something"
The camera angle changes to filming behind Hunter 1, with the camera focused on the clearing near the wallow.
Hunter 1: "They're thrashing away."
The camera angle changes back to a close up of the two men from the front. Hunter 2 brings his firearm up and looks through the scope.
Hunter 2: "That kanuka's moving, I can see movement."
At the bottom of the screen, white text appears on a dark green background. It reads: "Take time to analyse your target - Can you see the whole animal? Is it a male or female?"
The camera angle changes to a close up behind Hunter 1 again, with the camera focused on the clearing near the wallow.. What looks like the head of a deer can be seen poking through the kanuka bush.
The camera angle changes slightly to show us the scene from behind the hunters, who have their backs to the camera.
Hunter 2: "I'll take the shot."
Hunter 1: "Nah nah nah, can you see him fully?"
The text disappears off the bottom of the screen.
The camera angle changes back to a close up of the two men from the front. Hunter 2 has his firearm up and is looking through the scope.
Hunter 2: "Nah."
Hunter 1: "Don't just shoot at movement bro."
The camera angle changes back to behind the hunters, who have their backs to the camera.
At the bottom of the screen, white text appears on a dark green background. It reads: "Never fire at sound, shape, colour or movement alone."
The camera angle changes to a close up behind Hunter 1 again, with the camera focused on the clearing near the wallow. What looks like the head of a deer can just be seen through the kanuka bush.
Hunter 1: "Gotta make sure we can clearly identify our target beyond all doubt."
The camera angle changes back to a close up of the two men from the front. Hunter 2 still has his firearm up and aimed.
Hunter 2: "He might get away."
The camera angle changes to a close up behind Hunter 1 again, with the camera focused on the clearing near the wallow.
Hunter 1: "Nah nah, don't worry about that. He'll come out. It's not worth it."
The text disappears off the bottom of the screen.
The camera angle changes back to a close up of the two men from the front. Hunter 2 still has his firearm up and aimed.
Hunter 1: "You don't want to take a shot and regret it for the rest of your life."
The camera angle changes back to a close up of the two men from behind. Hunter 2 still has his firearm up and aimed.
At the bottom of the screen, white text appears on a dark green background. It reads: "Remember that other people could be in your same area."
The camera angle changes to a close up behind the hunters, focused on the kanuka bush.
The camera angle changes back to a close up of the two men from the front. Hunter 2 still has his firearm up and is looking through the scope.
The text disappears off the bottom of the screen.
Hunter 1: "He'll come out soon, he'll come out soon. I'll give him another one."
Hunter 1 brings a roar caller to his mouth and blows.
At the bottom of the screen, white text appears on a dark green background. It reads: "Ask yourself: 'Could this be another hunter?' If in any doubt, do not shoot!"
The camera focuses back on the kanuka bush. Something can be seen moving behind it.
Hunter 2: "Here he comes bro."
Hunter 1: "You good?"
The text disappears off the bottom of the screen.
The scene changes back to a close up of the two men from the front. Hunter 2 still has his firearm up and is looking through the scope.
Hunter 2: "Yeah, I still see movement."
The next shot is looking through a firearm scope, with a cross hair pattern clearly visible in front of the kanuka bush. A man holding a firearm and wearing a beanie slowly emerges from behind the bush.
The camera angle changes back to a close up of the two men from the front.
Hunter 1: "Shit stop! Oi mate! What the hell are you doing?
The camera angle changes to a close up behind the hunters, focused on the kanuka bush and the man emerging from it.
The camera angle changes back to a close up of the two men from the front. Hunter 1 has an annoyed expression and is holding his hand up questioningly.
The next shot focuses on the man who has just emerged from the bush carrying a firearm and a sheepish expression. He is also a hunter but is not wearing any brightly coloured safety clothing. He holds his hand up to wave at the two men. The scene fades to black
The next scene shows the two hunters standing in front of the camera, speaking with the intruding hunter who is off camera to the left. Their firearms are packed away on their backs.
Hunter 1: "What's your excuse? Why the hell are you on our block?
The camera angle changes to focus on the intruder as he speaks with the hunters. He has his hands in his pockets. The hunters have their backs to the camera.
Intruding hunter: "Sorry mate. I left a message on the cocky's answer phone but, he can't have got it."
The camera angle changes back to the two hunters.
Hunter 1: "Well you're lucky that we're following the rules."
(Green screen fades in over the men. There's a border on the top of the screen and the bottom of the screen which is a tohu design. Text in large writing says "Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt." More text appears below that reads: "Take time to analyse your target. Never fire at sound, shape, colour or movement alone. Remember that other people could be in your same area. If in any doubt, do not shoot!"
Final screen says: "For more information visit", Te Tari Pūreke, Firearms Safety Authority logo, firearmssafetyauthoritynz Facebook logo.
When hunting with others make a good plan
In 80% of hunting incidents the shooter and victim are members of the same hunting group. You can avoid this by planning your hunt and hunting to your plan. If hunting in pairs and you lose sight of each other, or are unsure of your location, stop hunting and reestablish contact and your position before moving on.
Quick Tips:
- If hunters lose sight of each other in the bush, stop hunting.
- Never fire when your companions are ahead of you.
- Don’t shoot at objects on the skyline, you can’t see what is on the other side.
Our Hunter Safety page has information about what to consider when planning your hunt.
Video transcript
The transcript for this video can be found at
Handle your firearms carefully
Rough and challenging terrain makes safe firearms handling even more important. Hunters can trip and fall with their rifles, so stay aware of how you are carrying and handling them. This also applies when dealing with fences or other obstacles. If handing your rifle to someone else, or being passed one, always ensure the rifle is unloaded.
Quick Tips:
- Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction at all times.
- Minimise risk by having a cartridge chambered only when necessary.
- Never attempt to cross a fence with a loaded firearm.
The Firearms Safety Code has detailed information about safe handling of firearms. You can find relevant information in Sections 5 and 7.
Video transcript
(Background music: welcome page with a logo of Te Tari Pūreke. There's a border on the top of the screen and the bottom of the screen which is a tohu design. Text says Te Tari Pūreke, Firearms Safety Authority. Seven Rules of Firearms Safety.)
Next slide has the words displayed Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded.
The next screen is a shot of New Zealand bush, with the camera pulling away. A red ute is driving through water, and parks outside a hutt. Two men exit the car and talk to each other.
Hunter 1 gestures towards the bush.
Hunter# 1 "We picked the weather for it mate!"
Hunter #2 "Not too bad"
Hunter #1 "It's a real good spot. There'll be
some animals out here for sure."
Hunter #2 "Yeah surely aye. Gotta be"
Hunter #1 "We'll get you onto one.
Let's get these guns out."
Hunter 1 and 2 walk back to the boot of the ute to unload.
Hunter #1 "Where'd you put the guns?"
The ute of the car shows backpacks and jackets.
Hunter #2 "It's one of these new rules.
You've got to keep them all covered up."
Hunter #1 "True?"
Hunter #1 "Let's get these sorted first.
Both men take a locked case each out of the car and lay them on the ground.
Hunter 1 unlocks his case and lifts his firearm out of the case to demonstrate that his firearm is unloaded.
Hunter 1 "Sweet bro I'll just prove
to you that mine's unloaded."
Hunter #2 "Yep, clear."
Hunter #1 "Choice. Show me yours?
Hunter 2 lifts his firearm out of his case and shows Hunter #1 that his firearm is unloaded.
Hunter 1 "Yeah nice mate."
Let's just start off with bolts in nothing in the chamber and empty mags on aye?"
Hunter #2 "Yep, righto."
Both men proceed to put their firearms over their shoulders.
Next shot shows the bush before returning to both men in the frame talking to each other.
Hunter #1 "You all good"
Hunter #2 "Yeah mate, sorted."
Hunter #1 "Grab the rest of our gear aye?
Reckon we got everything?"
I've got a PLB, head lamp, jacket, ammo ....
Hunter #2 "Ammo!"
Hunter #2 walks towards the ute to retrieve the ammo.
Hunter #1 "Sweet! Lucky we checked."
Hunter #2 opens the car door, takes his firearm off his shoulder, rests it against the vehicle, leans into the vehicle to get the ammunition from the glove box with his left hand, and puts his right hand over the muzzle.
Hunter #1 "Woah Nick. Watch that hand over the muzzle man,
remember the first rule, treat every firearm as loaded."
Hunter #2 closes the car door, and lifts his firearm strap over his shoulder.
Hunter #2 "Mate, we just cleared it over there just before, like two minutes ago."
Hunter #1 "Yeah we did clear it but it's a bad habit to get into. You never know when it's going to bite ya."
Hunter #2 "Yeah, fair play."
Hunter #1 "Sweet. No worries. Let's go."
Both men walk away from the ute, towards the bush.
Text appears over the men slowly walking towards the bush. Text says:
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded.
Always carry out safety precautions and check every firearm yourself. Never point a firearm at yourself or any other person.
End screen is green and the text says
For more information visit
Facebook icon firearmssafetyauthoritynz. Te Tari Pūreke logo, Te Tari Pūreke Firearms Safety Authority.
Fades out.
Video transcript
(Background music: welcome page with a logo of Te Tari Pūreke. There's a border on the top of the screen and the bottom of the screen which is a tohu design. Text says Te Tari Pūreke, Firearms Safety Authority. Seven Rules of Firearms Safety.)
Next slide has the words displayed Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction.
The next screen is a shot of New Zealand bush, with the camera pulling away. Two men are walking into the bush. One man kneels down and gestures to the other man to come and have a look. Both men are kneeling down. On the ground there are fresh droppings. One man touches the droppings to see if they are warm.
Hunter 1: "Hey Nick.
Some pretty fresh sign here."
Nick: "Yeah yeah"
"We're in the hunting area now so probably a good time to go into the load state."
Nick: "OK. Should I put one in the chamber as well?"
Hunter 1:"Oh I wouldn't put one in the chamber just yet."
Nick: "OK."
Hunter 1: "You'll have first shot.
I'll stay in the unload."
Nick: "OK. Cheers for that."
Both men stand up. Nick takes his firearm out from over his shoulder to put it into the load state.
Nick: "How's this for safe direction?"
Hunter 1 gestures to the side, into a bank.
Hunter 1: "I reckon your better option is probably into the bank here. Out that way you don't know where the bullet is going to go."
Camera pans into the bank, back to Nick's firearm as he prepares to load a bullet into the chamber of the rifle.
Nick: "Yep."
Hunter 1: "All good?"
Nick:"Yeah mate.
Hunter 1: "I'll let you go in front.Remember to keep your muzzle pointing in a safe direction."
Both men walk towards the hunting area
Green screen pans over the men. There's a border on the top of the screen and the bottom of the screen which is a tohu design. Text says Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction. A safe direction will depend on your environment and requires constant assessment. Use an area that will absorb the projectile - not a hard surface.
Final screen says for more information visit, Te Tari Pūreke, Firearms Safety Authority logo, firearmssafetyauthoritynz Facebook logo.
Roar resources
Safety advice:
Activity guides from Mountain Safety Council:
Essential resources for hunters
Check out the videos and resources below from the Mountain Safety Council (MSC) and Game Animal Council to help you and your mates stay safe while hunting.
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Phone 0800 844 431 (04 499 2870) 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday |