An endorsement on your firearms licence means you are eligible to apply for a permit to possess or import certain types of arms items – pistols, pistol carbine conversion kits (PCCKs), restricted weapons, prohibited firearms or prohibited magazines.

When you need an endorsement

Two groups of arms items require an endorsement. You can apply for an endorsement for either or both.

  • Pistols and restricted weapons – this endorsement also allows a licence holder to lawfully possess pistols and/or restricted weapons, and includes pistol carbine conversion kits (PCCKs).
  • Prohibited firearms and/or magazines – this endorsement also allows a licence holder to lawfully possess prohibited parts. 

How permits and endorsements work together

Having an endorsement does not automatically mean you can possess or import any pistol, restricted weapon, prohibited firearm or prohibited magazine.

You must apply for a permit and be approved for each item. That permit then attaches that item to your endorsement.

If you apply for a permit to possess or import, you must also say why you want to possess or import that specific item.

Your reasons for importing or possessing a specific item must align with the reasons you provided in your endorsement application and the capacity in which you were issued that endorsement. For more information about capacities, see below – Who can apply for an endorsement.

Learn more about permits

Why you need an endorsement

To help keep people safe, anyone applying for an endorsement must have a firearms or dealer’s licence and meet additional criteria.

Who can apply for an endorsement

Only certain people can apply for an endorsement.

Pistols and restricted weapons 

You can apply for an endorsement for pistols and restricted weapons only in your capacity as one of the following:

  • a licensed dealer
  • an employee of a licensed dealer
  • a member of an incorporated pistol shooting club that holds a certificate of approval issued under section 38G of the Arms Act
  • a bona fide collector of firearms
  • a person to whom the pistol or restricted weapon has special significance as an heirloom or memento
  • the director or curator of a bona fide museum
  • an approved employee or approved member of any body, being:
  • a broadcaster within the meaning of the Broadcasting Act 1989; or
  • a bona fide theatre company or society or cinematic or television film production company or video recording production company. 

Arms Act 1983, section 29 – Application for endorsements in respect of pistol or restricted weapon | New Zealand Legislation website 

Prohibited firearms and/or magazines 

You can apply for an endorsement for prohibited firearms and/or magazines only in your capacity as one of the following:

  • a licensed dealer
  • an employee of a licensed dealer
  • a bona fide collector of firearms
  • a person to whom the prohibited item has special significance as an heirloom or a memento
  • a director or curator of a bona fide museum
  • an approved employee or approved member of:
    • a broadcaster within the meaning of the Broadcasting Act 1989; or
    • a bona fide theatre company or society or cinematic or television film production company or video recording production company; or
  • as a person who:
    • is employed or engaged by the Department of Conservation and involved in operations for the purpose of controlling wild animals or animal pests in accordance with a specified Act (subject to prescribed limits, if any)
    • is the holder of a concession granted by the Minister of Conservation to undertake wild animal recovery operations in accordance with a specified Act (subject to prescribed limits, if any)
    • is employed or engaged by a management agency as defined in section 100 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 and involved in operations for the purpose of controlling wild animals or animal pests in accordance with that Act (subject to prescribed limits, if any)
    • is a person whose sole business, or a substantial part of whose business, is providing services to control any prescribed wild animals or animal pests, or a person employed or engaged by that person for that purpose (subject to prescribed limits, if any)
    • is a person who is the owner or manager, or is an employee, of an agricultural, a horticultural, or a silvicultural business, if there is a real possibility that the commercial viability of the business would be detrimentally affected to a significant extent by the presence of prescribed wild animals or animal pests on any land used for that business (subject to prescribed limits, if any). 

Firearms Registry requirements apply from 24 June 2023

If you’re applying for or reapplying for a firearms licence or endorsement from 24 June 2023, you must register all items in your possession within 30 days of submission, including those you have a permit for.

This does not apply if you submitted your application before 24 June 2023.

Firearms Registry 


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