Check what the endorsement allows you to do, who can apply and what you need to provide in your application.

What a broadcaster, theatrical, living history, and theatrical armourer endorsement allows

Once you have a broadcaster, theatrical, living history and theatrical armourer endorsement, you can apply for the endorsed arms item using the necessary permit to import or permit to possess:

  • broadcast productions 
  • theatre productions 
  • commemorative or re-enactment events 
  • cinematic and television film productions 
  • video recording productions 
  • This endorsement can allow you to use with blank ammunition: 
  • pistols 
  • restricted weapons 
  • prohibited firearms 
  • prohibited magazines. 

If you get an endorsement, you can use the endorsed arms items only for the permitted theatrical activity. 

You can use the endorsed arms items only in your role as an employee or member of a bona fide theatrical body: 

  • broadcaster 
  • theatre company or society 
  • living history group 
  • cinematic or television film production company 
  • video recording production company. 

These roles include: 

  • living history member 
  • living history theatrical armourer 
  • theatrical armourer. 

You can apply for a broadcaster, theatrical, living history, and theatrical armourer endorsement at the same time you apply for your firearms licence. 

When you get an endorsement to your licence, you must apply for the necessary permit to possess or to import 

Endorsement lifespan

A broadcaster, theatrical, living history and theatrical armourer endorsement to your firearms licence lasts until your licence ends, or is surrendered or revoked.


With a broadcaster, theatrical, living history, and theatrical armourer endorsement, you can handle, store, and use the endorsed arms items only under the supervision of the onsite theatrical armourer in charge of the activity.

The supervising armourer must be appointed by the theatrical body in charge of the activity.

You must not act as an onsite theatrical armourer unless a condition of your endorsement allows you to.

With the right condition to their endorsement, a theatrical armourer can supervise the handling, storage, and use of endorsed arms items hired out by a dealer for a theatrical activity not at the dealer’s place of business.

If you have this condition to your endorsement, you must also have written consent from Te Tari Pūreke to supervise in this way at the site of the theatrical activity.

This consent must describe the theatrical activity and specify its:

  • location
  • duration.

Email the information to your regional firearms office. For contact information, see:

Contact us

You cannot use an arms item with this endorsement with live ammunition.

You can fire an arms item with this endorsement using blank ammunition only if a suitably experienced person has certified it is safe to do so.

When an arms item with this endorsement is not in use, you must:

  • make it inoperable by removing a vital part
  • keep it in an inoperable condition.

You can store the vital part of a restricted weapon in a separate secure storage at the same address Te Tari Pūreke has approved. 

See the:

You must secure from theft endorsed arms items and blank ammunition when they are:

  • onsite and not in use
  • displayed at an event or exhibition.

Te Tari Pūreke can add conditions to your endorsement that allow you to carry the endorsed arms items from your home address to a

  • police station
  • licensed dealer or gunsmith for repair, maintenance, or sale
  • organised sale or exhibition for display.

Te Tari Pūreke can add conditions when we issue your endorsement that allow you to carry the endorsed arms items:

  • between their secure storage and the location of the permitted theatrical activity
  • to other locations that support the endorsement's purpose.

If you want to carry the endorsed arms items to another location, you can apply to Te Tari Pūreke at any time for either:

  • an 'endorsement to carry', or
  • a condition to your endorsement.

Endorsements and conditions meet the requirements of the Arms Act 1983, section 36, Offence to carry pistol, prohibited firearm, prohibited magazine, or restricted weapon without authority

Endorsements are subject to the Arms Act 1983, section 31A, Conditions of endorsements

When you have an endorsement, you must produce on demand the endorsed arms item to a member of New Zealand Police.

You must allow the member of New Zealand Police to:

  • inspect the arms item and where you keep it
  • enter your premises to do this inspection at a reasonable time.

The member of New Zealand Police making this inspection must identify themselves and say they are making the inspection under the Arms Act.

They must show identification that confirms they are a member of New Zealand Police.

Who can apply for a broadcaster, theatrical, living history, and theatrical armourer endorsement

To apply for a broadcaster, theatrical, living history, and theatrical armourer endorsement to your firearms licence, you must:

  • be 16 years or older
  • have a New Zealand firearms licence, or be applying for one.

Your activity

When you apply for an endorsement to have and use arms items for broadcast, theatre, film, or video productions, or historical re-enactment or commemorative events, you must say if you are applying as either or both:

  • a theatrical armourer supervising the use of arms items
  • an employee or member of a group, company, or society using these items.

An applicant for an endorsement to act as an onsite theatrical armourer must show and prove:

  • experience in broadcast, theatre, film, or video production
  • deep understanding of engineering and metalworking
  • expertise and experience in the firearm modifications relevant to making a safe work environment for cast and crew
  • experience writing plans for the health and safety of cast and crew
  • experience writing plans for the safe transport and onsite storage of firearms before, during, and after a production.

An applicant for an endorsement to participate in historical re-enactment or commemorative events must:

  • have written confirmation they are a member or employee of a bona fide theatrical body, signed by its chief executive officer
  • explain why the company must have this arms item to make its productions
  • give details of their experience in productions handling, and supervising others handling, automatic, semi-automatic and other firearms using blank ammunition.

An applicant must show they know:

  • the screen sector health and safety guidelines, at ScreenSafe
  • the Arms Act as it applies to this activity
  • how to apply the safety code and Arms Act to the activity they plan to supervise.

What you must tell us when you apply for a memento and heirloom endorsement 

In your endorsement application, Te Tari Pūreke asks questions you may have answered in previous licence or endorsement applications.

We ask these questions again to make sure we have the latest information when we review your application.

Endorsement referee

In your application for a broadcaster, theatrical, living history, and theatrical armourer endorsement, you must give the name and contact details of an endorsement referee.
Your endorsement referee must:

  • be 20 or older
  • know a lot about the use of arms items in theatrical activity
  • know and understand your activities, interest, and experience in the use of arms items in theatrical activity.

They must be a senior member of your bona fide theatrical body.

Secure storage and locations

For the classes of arms items that require endorsement, you must meet the secure storage requirements in the Arms Regulations 1992, regulation 28, Security precautions in relation to pistols, prohibited firearms, prohibited magazines, and restricted weapons.

For information about securely storing restricted and prohibited items, see section 4 of the secure storage guide for firearms and ammunition.

What to include in your application

Other documentation

If you are applying for this endorsement as a theatrical armourer, you must include in your application written confirmation you are a member or employee of a bona fide theatrical body, signed by its chief executive officer.


The fee for one or more firearms licence endorsements, applied for at the same time, is $204 This fee includes GST and is not refundable.


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phone Phone 0800 844 431 (04 499 2870)
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday