Find out about your obligations if you have an endorsement in your capacity as a pest controller.


You must: 

  • have a genuine need to possess the prohibited firearm or prohibited magazine 
  • only use the prohibited items for controlling wild animals or animal pests and in your approved capacity 
  • only use the prohibited item for controlling wild animals or animal pests within the geographical area stated in your conditions 
  • abide by other conditions specific to your situation. 

You must tell us if your situation/employment changes. 

You must not use prohibited firearms or prohibited magazines for personal or private hunting. 

Secure storage

You must show that you are meeting the secure storage requirements of Regulation 28 of the Arms Regulations. 

Arms Regulations 1992, regulation 28, Security precautions in relation to pistols, prohibited firearms, prohibited magazines, and restricted weapons | New Zealand Legislation website  

When the prohibited firearm or magazine is not in your immediate physical possession you must keep it in one of the following: 

  • a steel and concrete strongroom of sound construction 
  • a room of stout and secure construction that is adequately secured against unlawful entry 
  • a locked steel safe or steel box or steel cabinet. 

The room of stout and secure construction must be in structurally sound condition.  

Its doors and their locks, bolts, hinges, and other fastenings must be: 

  • in good condition 
  • secured against unlawful entry. 

If the room has windows, skylights, or similar, their locks, bolts, hinges, and other fastenings must be: 

  • in good condition 
  • secured against unlawful entry. 

If you are using a steel safe, steel box or steel cabinet, it must be: 

  • of sound construction 
  • bolted or otherwise securely fixed to the building the prohibited firearm is kept in. 

If you store a prohibited firearm or magazine in a steel box, steel cabinet, or steel safe, you must store the ammunition separately.  

All secure storage arrangements must be approved by Police. 

For more information, including how to store ammunition, visit: 

Storage and transportation of firearms and ammunition 

Transporting the endorsed items

You must follow the guidance for transporting firearms and ammunition.  

Download the guide and check out our videos: 

Storage and transportation of firearms and ammunition 

If your situation changes

You must notify Te Tari Pūreke if your situation or employment changes. 


 If you have a pest control endorsement, you must allow a member of New Zealand Police (usually someone from Te Tari Pūreke) to: 

  • enter the premises where the items are stored for an inspection at a reasonable time 
  • inspect the items and where they are kept on the premises. 

The person making the inspection must: 

  • show identification that confirms they are a member of New Zealand Police or Te Tari Pūreke 
  • say they are making the inspection under the Arms Act 1983. 

Other conditions

Police may require any other conditions regarding the use and custody of any endorsed item. 


Need help?
phone Phone 0800 844 431 (04 499 2870)
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday