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Firearms Licence Checker
Main navigation
Manage and apply
Firearms licence
Before you apply for a firearms licence
Apply or reapply for a firearms licence
Firearms dealers
Before you apply for a dealer's licence
Apply for or renew a dealer's licence
Firearms dealer requirements
Using the Dealer Transactions form
Export, import or manufacture arms items
How endorsements work
Bona fide collector endorsement
Bona fide collector: Apply
Bona fide collector: Before you apply
Bona fide collector: Conditions
Dealer employee endorsement
Dealer employee: Apply
Dealer employee: Before you apply
Dealer employee: Conditions
Memento or heirloom endorsement
Memento or heirloom: Apply
Memento or heirloom: Before you apply
Memento or heirloom: Conditions
Pest control endorsement
Pest control: Apply
Pest control: Before you apply
Pest control: Conditions
Pistol target shooting endorsement
Pistol target shooting: Apply
Pistol target shooting: Before you apply
Pistol target shooting: Conditions
Pistol target shooting: Obligations
Broadcaster, theatrical, living history, and theatrical armourer endorsements
How permits work
Permits to import
Apply for a permit to import
Arms items that require a permit to import
Importing ammunition
Importing offensive weapons
Permits to possess
Apply for a permit to possess
Arms items that require a permit to possess
Possessing prohibited ammunition
Visiting or moving to NZ
Before you apply for a visitor's firearms licence
Apply for a visitor firearms licence
Bringing arms items when you visit NZ
Moving to NZ
Clubs and ranges
Responsibilities of clubs and ranges
Apply for club approval
Apply for range certification
Range certification guidance
Information for Shooting Range Inspectors
Improvement Notices for clubs and ranges
Changes to reporting requirements for shooting clubs
When a firearm changes hands
Lost, stolen or destroyed
Change of circumstance
Health and wellbeing
Information for health practitioners
Health and wellbeing of firearms licence holders
When a firearms licence holder dies
Disposal of firearms and arms items
Firearms Registry
About the Firearms Registry
When to register
What to register
How to register
Get help registering a firearm
What the Registry means for dealers
Photographing firearms for the registry
Firearms safety
Firearms safety course
Whakatūpato Programme
Firearms Safety Code
Firearms safety e-learning
Storage & transportation
7 rules of firearm safety
Hunter safety
Roar safety
Airgun safety
Using a firearm without a licence
Find a mentor
Shooting on rural lifestyle properties or small holdings
About MyFirearms
News and publications
News and announcements
Firearms data and public information
Firearms Pānui
Dealer Pānui
Reports and publications
Posters, flyers and other resources
Firearms law changes
2023 firearms law changes
2020 firearms law changes
2021 firearms law changes
2022 firearms law changes
2019 firearms law changes
Official Information Act Responses (OIAs)
Tools and forms
Firearms licence checker
Licensing forms
Endorsement forms
Permit to import forms
Permit to possess forms
Mail order and internet sales forms
Clubs & ranges forms
Recognition and notification forms
Health practitioner forms
Other application forms
Contact us
Main navigation
Manage and apply
Firearms Registry
Firearms safety
About MyFirearms
News and publications
Tools and forms
Contact us
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Firearms Registry
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Need help?
0800 844 431
(04 499 2870)
8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday