New Zealand Police has established the Arms Engagement Group (AEG) to act in a consultative and advisory capacity to Police, and Te Tari Pūreke - Firearms Safety Authority.

About the Arms Engagement Group (AEG)

The purpose of the Group is to:

  • provide a formal mechanism for representatives from the non-firearms owning community to input to the Police and Te Tari Pūreke - Firearms Safety Authority on policy relating to the Arms Act 1983 or the Arms Regulations 1992; and 
  • review and make recommendations for consideration by Police and Te Tari Pūreke - Firearms Safety Authority on firearms related matters.

AEG is administered and supported by the Partnerships Directorate at Te Tari Pūreke - Firearms Safety Authority. Membership of the Group includes those that are community members (non-Te Tari Pūreke - Firearms Safety Authority employees). 

The non- Te Tari Pūreke - Firearms Safety Authority members are invited to participate and selected for their:

  • broad skills, knowledge and understanding of firearms and issues/legislation relating to firearms
    relevant practical experience and networks within the non-firearms owning community
  • ability to represent a diversity of perspectives within the non-firearms owning community
  • personal attributes and ability to work constructively with, and contribute to the Group
  • being a representative of a group (who can represent the views of the group rather than their individual view).

AEG membership

AEG members represent the following groups and organisations.

1.    National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges (Women’s Refuge)
2.    Family Violence Death Review Committee
3.    Royal New Zealand College of GPs
4.    Gun Control NZ
5.    Otago University Health
6.    Federation of the Islamic Associations of NZ
7.    Peace Movement Aotearoa
8.    The Royal Australian and NZ College of Psychiatrists
9.    Independent Research Solutions

Group meetings will only take place when Te Tari Pūreke - Firearms Safety Authority is dealing with specific policy issues relating to the administration of the Arms Act.

Minutes from Group meetings will be published on this website. Any recommendations the Group makes will also be published. As the Group is a consultative and advisory body, any recommendations will be considered by Te Tari Pūreke - Firearms Safety Authority, but they will not be binding.

AEG minutes, reports and publications

Last updated
13 May 2024


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